(A.G.M) Meeting of Silver Threads
Notice is given that an Inaugural Meeting of The Silver Threads Hall will be held on Tuesday 6th June at 9am at The Silver Threads Hall
The Silver Threads Hall held a Christmas Fayre in December thank you to everyone who came and support us we rasied over £120.00on the raffle and did over £80.00 on the day of the fayre.
The Silver Threads Hall is holding a Baby and Child First Aid Class in March 2022, more details can be found on our Group Page.
The Silver Threads Hall has now start to re open for groups to return, please see the main page for full details.
The Silver Threads Hall has just updated there Group List, and Event List, we have lots of groups starting after Easter, as well as a number of events taking place over Spring and Summer
The Silver Threads Hall has a number of new groups starting in Sepetmber these can be found on the groups page, this will also show you when groups will return after the Summer Break.
The Silver Threads Hall has new groups running in April 2018, this inculding Crafty Mondays running on a Monday from 11.30am until 12.30pm, and also two new Little Cook, Big Cook Courses. For more inforamtion check our Group Page.
The Silver Threads Hall has three brand new courses running in February & March check out the Group Page to find out more!
The Silver Threads Hall has just updated there Group List, there will be some great new groups running in 2018. Pop over and have a look at them now!
The MyFam project held there Christmas Fayre at The Silver Threads Hall on 25th November, and raised a total of £186 towards there project. Thank you to everyone who support them.
We are a non-profit organisation and welcome any kind of support. If you would like to support us, please check out the Support Us page for more information.
Silver Threads Hall
The Silver Threads Hall
Next to Lawndale, Wellington Road, Donnington
Tel: 07518 496840
E-mail: alan.watkins@thesilverthreadshall.org.uk
Or use our contact form.